Approaches to Traditional Healing


Traditional Healers Treat by Natural Methods.

Traditional Healing encompasses the concept that the human body is an organism with self healing and strong recuperative capabilities, which if maintained in optimal condition, is capable of ongoing health and longevity.

Traditional Healers therefore accept that most disease can be prevented if the basic and immutable laws of nature are obeyed.

Where disease does exist, a Traditional Healer aims to correct both the internal imbalances as well as the external disharmonies, so that the natural healing power can once again act freely and restore health.

Traditional Healers do not claim to cure disease, as this can only be accomplished by nature’s healing power. They do however utilise therapeutic approaches that follow nature’s laws, in order to facilitate the restoration of the proper balance between the individual’s internal and external relationships with nature and its laws, and in this way facilitate the body’s natural healing capacity, thus leading to a return to health.

Traditional Healers’ methods of treatment.

The treatment methods used by Traditional Healers may vary in detail from country to country, but the core fundamentals of the treatments are the same worldwide.

  1. In the main, the first and most important approach is counseling, which is designed to correct any mental or emotional disharmonies. Traditional Healers consider that no healing will be complete or can be permanent without there being a natural balance of interactions between all aspects of consciousness and between these and the body. This approach does however not resemble those practiced in modern Western medicine. Traditional Healers believe that most “inner” disharmonies are the result of the disruption of the mind-body relationship. They therefore do not use “psychoanalysis” because they consider that most of these cannot be simply “talked away”. Traditional Healers will carefully observe the appearance of the patient and any responses to statements made in order to determine where interferences occur, and may in some cases engage in idle chatter to determine “stress points” or simply to learn what manner of response is normal for that individual. When problems are found, treatments are given that are designed to heal any fracture in the consciousness or to “re-integrate” the person’s consciousness with their body.
  2. The second most important aspect to be corrected is the nutritional status and lifestyle of the patient, as without these all healing will be compromised.
  3. The third treatment method utilised is herbal medicine.
    Medicinal herbs have been used by humans since the beginning of time as “nutritional supplements” with special properties and power. We now know that many plants contain, in addition to nutrients, active ingredients that enhance the function of specific organs or certain metabolic processes in the body.
    Herbal medicine is therefore used when a more powerful treatment is needed than nutrition alone. Herbal remedies can produce powerful effects and therefore require skilful prescribing, but on the other hand can, in expert hands, often produce remarkable healing outcomes.
    One lesser known aspect of herbal medicine is the use of Phytoenergetics.
    Phytoenergetic medicines are plant and mineral essences that are in many ways similar in nature to the well-known Bach Flower remedies, although the application of remedies is considerably expanded in Phytoenergetic medicine. Phytoenergetics go by different names in different parts of the world, but whatever name is used, they are always prepared from either natural herbal or mineral substances that are diluted by means of a special process that diminishes their physiological effect and enhances their dynamic activity. Phytoenergetics are used to treat some forms of mental and emotional distress, to correct fractures in the consciousness and other underlying psychological factors of an illness and to restore the balance between physical and natural cycles. They are also used in allergy desensitisation methods and in cases where health problems may be deep seated.
  4. The fourth treatment method relates to physical approaches, that may include the treatment of “energy” points, which are located within specific reflex areas that become active when a disharmony or an illness is present; this treatment may involve pressure or massaging on the area, cupping (applying suction cups), warming or puncturing (these days often simply the insertion of very fine needles).
    Physical approaches also include more general treatments such as hydrotherapy (treatment with water), soft tissue manipulation and structural therapy, to name but a few. The range of physical approaches used is almost limitless and each Traditional Healer has his or her sets of physical treatment approaches, which are used to re-establish proper nerve function, proper blood and lymph flow and proper structural integrity and function.

Diagnostic methods used in Traditional Healing.

The treatment success of any Traditional Healer depends greatly on proper diagnostic methods. And indeed these are many and varied. Some of these, such as careful observation of the patient have already been described above.

The main and the pretty well universally used diagnostic method of Traditional Healing is pulse diagnosis. The interaction that occurs between the heart and the blood vessels speaks volumes about the physical and psychological state of a person, and is most commonly – and easily – read at the radial pulse on the wrist. Tongue diagnosis, in which the colour of the tongue and any coating on the tongue is evaluated, is generally also used by Traditional Healers, as is traditional urine analysis, in which any deviations from the normal colour, odour and consistency are noted. Some diagnostic methods that are considered ancillary to Traditional Healing are: nail, hand, and iris and sclera diagnosis. Each of these has its own applications and strength and weaknesses and these are used more or less widely by Traditional Healers all over the world.

Many “modern” Traditional Healers also use modern scientific approaches such as urine “strip” tests, blood tests, hair mineral analysis, other pathology tests and  X-rays. This is not a surrender to other disciplines, but rather an indication of the practical and pragmatic mind-set of the Traditional Healer, who is never reluctant to use any practical method that any age has to offer.

Why consult a Traditional Healer?

It has often been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but it is also sadly true that we often fail to follow our special and individual health needs; we usually only commence worrying about our health when it has been lost.

Traditional Healers always prefer to prevent disease, rather than having to treat it. To this end they will assess all aspects of an individual’s health needs and translate these into specific guidelines which will assist in the maintenance of optimum health.
If however, health problems have already developed, a Traditional Healer can usually set out a comprehensive baseline that will enable the correction of the cause, which will in turn lead to the natural resolution of the problem.

Traditional Healing works through eliminating the cause of a given condition, by correcting the nutritional status and assisting in the elimination of toxins from drugs and environmental pollution, past poor eating habits, improperly handled disease and long-standing disharmony with natural cycles and with nature. It also works at re-establishing the natural mental, emotional, metabolic, organic and structural balance.

The time needed for the restoration of the natural balance, which is essential for full and dynamic health, tends to vary from case to case and greatly depends on a person’s inherent constitution, the nature of an illness and the severity and duration of an illness or condition. In some cases treatment compliance may be difficult or the steps needed may simply be more than a person is willing to invest. A standard rule is that old conditions take more take time to correct because more extensive damage has been done; but this is certainly not applicable to all cases. Many conditions, chronic or otherwise can yield quickly to the diverse and integrated approaches used by the Traditional Healer; but in some cases the healing process requires a certain amount of patience and perseverance. But in the end it is only Traditional Healing that offers a return to the rational way of living that is natural for human beings, through which the goals of health, vitality and a longevity may be realised.


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